Biyernes, Nobyembre 29, 2013

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NODE- meeting point of branches

            The basis of nodal analysis is Kirchhoff’s Current Law. We can analyze AC circuits by nodal analysis since KCL is valid for phasors. As what we had discussed in Circuits 1, nodal analysis provides a general procedure for analyzing circuits using node voltages as the circuit variables. By choosing node voltages instead of element voltages as circuit variables, it reduces the number of equations one must solve. In getting nodal equations, we must apply the various steps and rules we've been discussed in Circuits 1.

            There are also circuits containing supernode which a voltage source is connected between two non-reference nodes.

            If the circuit is not yet in its frequency domain, we must first convert the circuit such as the given example below.

Tips on transforming network:

-Use only magnitude and phase angle in transforming sources into phasors.
-Transform inductors by converting L to jωL.
-Transform capacitors by converting C to 1/jωC. Note that the units are in ohms.
-Resistors do not require transformation.
-Transform unknown functions of time through writing them as general phasors.

For further understanding of NODAL analysis, see sample problem below on how to formulate equations.



            I've learned that Nodal analysis is efficient when there are fewer node equations than mesh equations. Applying Nodal analysis is slight difficult to use more especially if we’re dealing with complicated circuits. We can use this method if we are asked to solve for the voltage across a certain element or simply the node voltages. KCL is mainly the essential component of Nodal analysis which requires knowing the current through each element.

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